With all this snow and cold that we in the Midwest have been dealing with. I’m ready for spring. Who else is with me? I can’t wait for the grass to start turning green, the trees to start getting that green tinged of new leaves. Birds returning to nest, baby animals. You know all the wonderful signs that the earth is waking up from a long winter sleep.
So with (hopefully) spring around the corner. I have put together some spring edits for your home to help with the ushering in of Spring.
We are going to talk about the strange word you may have been hearing and seeing all over pintrest etc. “Hygge” (hoo-ga), it’s a Danish word and concept for making your home, life and lifestyle inviting, comfortable, homey, warm, etc.

It’s the process of making where and how you live simple yet filled with things that make you happy and bring joy. This is why the Danes are considered one of the most happiest people on earth. They understand this practice and stick to it.
For experiment sake I’m going to use this trend in my home this month and see how this helps with the mood in my house. So there are 10 points to Hygge, I’m going to focus on 4 of them here.
- Atmosphere
- Presence
- Pleasure
- Comfort

Candles, candles and more candles. Yes a huge fire hazard for anyone with kids, animals or are just plain clumsy and forgetful. But there is something that candlelight seems to evoke. I don’t know if it is a sense of calm, peace and safety or the warm orange light that it gives off. Candles will change the mood in any room. So this week I’m going to be lighting more candles and enjoying the flicker and movement of the flame.

We have all heard this before, that we as a society need to be more present. We need to put down our devises and be more in the here and now. Be available that if the time arises conversations can be started, laughter can fill the home and more time can be spent with those that you love instead of those you have no idea who they are. So I’m setting a limit of screen time for me and my family. Phones will go away at a certain time and games will come out.

For me this means good food! Who does not like to gather round a table with friends and family and eat amazing food. Food that brings you back to those memories that you love and cherish. Or maybe there is something that you are dying to make but just don’t know when the right time is. Well in Denmark the right time is now. Great dishes for spring to try would be a strawberry shortcake, that new macaron recipe you want to make. Make it light and wonderful!

I love this site. All her food looks so beautiful and yummy!

Hygge for winter was all about big snuggly blankets, roaring fires and something hot and tasty in your favorite mug. For spring think the same kind of concept but just lightening it up. Instead of a faux fur blanket think linen or smaller weaves. Throw in some muted blush colors and hints of warm gold. Think candles outside around your patio, to make a spot that you would sit to breath the fresh scents of spring. Cushions that have intricate details and textures.

Hygge is all about creating your house into your home. I place that you love and cherish. Where memories are created and remembered. A place that is inviting and just has the certain something that people gravitate to. It should be your refuge from the storms of life. A safe harbour, a place where you can create and live your best life.